The European Commission through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) has issued a call for proposals with the overall objective of enhancing the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in countries and situations where they are most at risk and where human rights defenders and civil society organisations work under severe constraints and are most under pressure.
Since this is a restricted call for proposals, only concept notes outlining the proposed project have to be submitted by the eligible applicants. Detailed proposals will be requested from shortlisted applicants after successful review of their concept notes.
The specific objective of this call is to provide direct support and protection to human rights defenders and to reinforce their capacities to do their work in the short and long-term, as well as to provide tangible support and means of action to local civil society in the promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms in some of the world’s most difficult, dangerous and unpredictable political situations and/or where they are the most vulnerable and threatened.
For the purpose of this call for proposals, the concept “most at risk” refers to countries and situations characterised by a serious lack of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; where human rights and fundamental freedoms are systematically violated; where there exists high risk to human security making it difficult for civil society and human rights defenders to operate, and where there is little or no room for political pluralism. Therefore, the gravity and persistence of the violations together with the effectiveness of the action are two key considerations for assessing and prioritising action proposals.
There are two lots to becovered under this call for proposals:
Lot 1: In Country Actions: This lot targets actions taking place in one single country that aim at enhancing respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and at supporting human rights defenders taking place either in countries either in situations where they are the most at risk.
Lot 2: Transnational Actions (global and/or regional): This lot targets global and/or regional actions aiming at enhancing respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and at supporting human rights defenders taking place either in countries either in situations where they are the most at risk.
The deadline for submission of concept notes is 1 August 2011. For more information, visit this link