TWAS Grants for Scientific Meetings in Developing Countries: With funds provided by the Italian government, The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World.
Grants are offered for meetings in the following fields of natural sciences: agricultural, biological, chemical, engineering, geological and medical sciences.
The support is provided as travel grants for principal speakers from abroad and/or participants from developing countries other than the country where the meeting is held.
The amount provided normally does not exceed US$3,000. TWAS onlyconsiders applications made by organizers of international and regional scientific meetings in developing countries – it does not provide support to individual scientists.
The deadlines for receipt of applications are June 1 for meetings to be held during (January - June) of the following year or December 1 for meetings to beheld during (July - December) of the following year.
TWAS Secretariat, ICTP Enrico Fermi Building, 1st floor, Via Beirut 6, 34014 Trieste, Italy. E-mail:
For more information see; Meetings in Developing Countries - Free College grant
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