Wednesday, 2 February 2011

About Us

I have been working in community development projects for over 10 years. I have experience in NGO management, project planning, development, monitoring and evaluation.  I have implemented several projects in Africa successfully and I have inspired many people where I have been invited to support other organizations which have been struggling with common challenges faced in development work.

I have also visited other countries and shared my success stories with them. During the time I was employed in NGO as a manager, I also doubled up as the fundraising manager. I have worked with various donors, from small donors and big donors. I currently freelance as a consultant where I have done assessments, capacity building, baselines, strategic plan, community needs assessments, proposal writing just to mention a few.

I started this blog to give opportunity to many organizations and project staff opportunity to link with funders, partners, sponsors and donors to enable them improve their work.  This blog also gives online solutions to organizations and individuals who are looking for resources or linkages. We invite questions, and contributions to enable us share as much information as possible.

Email us at

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