Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Ramsar Small Grants Fund accepting proposals from NGOs

The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands is accepting proposals for its Small Grants Program aimed at assisting developing countries and those economies in transition to implement the Convention and to support the conservation and wise use of wetland resources, with a strong human and social dimension.

Funds may also be used to provide emergency management assistance for Ramsar Sites under threat and to provide ‘preparatory assistance’ to allow non-Contracting Parties to progress toward accession when such needs arise.

Projects may be proposed and implemented by any agency, NGO, or individual, but proposals MUST be endorsed and monitored by the Administrative Authority (the Ramsar implementing agency) in the Party’s government. Each year a rigorous evaluation procedure is carried out by the Ramsar Secretariat to assess the project proposals according to the strength of the project design, their relevance to the Convention’s objectives, and the capacity of the proponents to complete the project successfully.

Interestingly, the Ramsar Convention’s Secretariat has regional teams that provide advice to help applicants develop suitable proposals. If your organization requires this kind of assistance, you need to send the draft proposal to the Senior Regional Advisors by 30 April 2011.
The deadline for applications in their final form for the next round is 30 June 2011. For more information, visit this link.
For more NGO funds, grants and resources always visit

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