Tuesday 12 April 2011

9 Reasons Why Proposals Get Rejected

1.    What am I funding?
Failure to explain what the donor is actually funding – eg in regard to a project focusing on caring for PLWHA, they will want to know to what extent will the project improve PLWHA health. If it is difficult to specify the health output/aim (eg infections prevented), then tell them how another, intermediate objective (eg condoms distributed), results in the health output/aim being achieved.

2.    Does your project duplicate existing projects?
Failure to explain how the project will fit in with other existing projects and programs (context). All donors are concerned about the risk that proposals will duplicate existing work and value for money. You should explain how your proposal fits within your national AIDS strategy and complements the work of other projects and programs.

3.    Who are the beneficiaries of your project?
Failure to clearly identify and explain who will be the beneficiaries of the project. Not just the principle target group (eg HIV+ people), but also the wider beneficiaries (eg women, children, minority groups, disabled people).

4.    Will your project be fulfilling a need?
Failure to explain how the projects objectives meet clearly identified need/s – ‘who said it was a need?’ – evidence (refer to statistics, reports, etc)

5.    Does your projects goals and aims link with your objectives?
Failure to effectively link lower level objectives with overall goals/aims –eg how does supplying blankets to people with HIV improve their quality of life?

6.    Does your project have a realistic timeframe?
Failure to convince the donor that there is a high likelihood that the project will succeed within the specified timeframe. Benefits will be delivered, goals, objectives and workplan are realistic, effective performance measurements will be undertaken.

7.    Does your project work with the community?
Failure to take into account gender and environment issues and how the project will work with the community ie facilitate community participation.

8.    Will your project’s impacts be sustainable?
Failure to address issues of sustainability and impact – what effect will the project have in the short, medium and long-term and which of the projects outputs (achievements) will be sustainable after the project is completed.

9.    Is your project value for money?
Failure to convince the donor that the project is ‘value for money’ – cost/benefit ratio.

 For more NGO funds, grants and resources always visit http://ngogrants.blogspot.com/

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