Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Call for Proposals to promote Democracy, Human Rights & Religious Freedom in Egypt

Deadline: 12 January 2015

Call for Request for Proposals (RFP) from organizations for projects that promote Democracy, Human Rights & Religious Freedom  in Egypt by The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL).

Religious Freedom of $500,000, pending availability of funding:

DRL looks forward to fund projects that will have a direct and lasting impact for religious freedom in Egypt by promoting reforms and structural changes that take advantage of changing social and political dynamics.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Be a U.S.-based or foreign-based non-profit organization/non-government organization (NGO).
  • Be a public international organization.
  • Be private, public, or state institutions of higher education.
  • Be a for-profit organization or business.
  • Have existing, or the capacity to develop, active partnerships with thematic partners or in-country partners, entities, and relevant stakeholders including industry and NGOs.
  • Have demonstrable experience administering successful and preferably similar projects.
  • Participants should reflect religious, ethnic, and gender diversity

Review Criteria

  1. Quality of Program Idea/Inclusivity of Marginalized Population
  2. Program Planning/Ability to Achieve Objectives
  3. Cost Effectiveness
  4. Program Monitoring and Evaluation
  5. Multiplier Effect/Sustainability
  6. Institution’s Record and Capacity

Application components: Completed and signed SF-424 and SF424; executive summary; a statement of work or synopsis of the program; a concise breakdown of program objectives, activities and expected results; a brief description of the applicant(s).

How to apply?

  1. Applications must adhere to the DRL’s posted Proposal Submission Instructions (PSI) for Full Proposals, given on the website.
  2. The applications should be in English or an original document within the application is in another language, an English translation is provided.
  3. Organizations may form consortia and submit a combined proposal. However, one organization should be designated as the lead applicant.
  4. All the proposals should be sent electronically to the website given in the announcement by the closing date.

For more information, please visit: Religious Freedom in Egypt.

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