Monday, 19 May 2014

Visegrad Small Grants

Deadlines: 1 June 2014

The International Visegrad Fund invites proposals for its Small Grants. The Visegrad Small Grants are designed for any legal entity or natural person around the world in a condition that the project deals with topics relevant to the Visegrad region.

Applicants can be non-governmental and civil society organizations (NGOs & CSOs), municipalities and local governments, public schools and universities, research and scientific bodies and public institutions that are not directly funded from the state budget (ministries, embassies, cultural institutes). Projects organized by non-profit and non-governmental organizations, public educational, cultural and research institutions and municipalities or local governments are prioritized.

Application can be made for grants up to €6,000 per project for six (6) months duration.


  1. Cultural cooperation
  2. Scientific exchange and research
  3. Education
  4. Youth exchanges
  5. Cross-border cooperation
  6. Promotion of Tourism

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Any legal entity or natural person worldwide is eligible for support, provided that the nature of the submitted project is relevant to or related to the Visegrad Group (V4) countries.
  • It is compulsory for the applicants to partner with at least three different V4 countries (an organizer and at least two project partners).  In case of Cross-Border Cooperation projects, partners can be from a minimum of two different V4 countries (including the applicant).
  • The proposed project must deal with the Visegrad Group countries or with Central Europe and its people.
  • An applicant who obtained funding for Small Grant in the past can re-apply for a grant, provided that all previous projects were completed and the Final Reports were duly approved by the Fund.

For more information on Visegrad Small Grants, please visit Visegrad Small Grants.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Regional Grant to Youth Led Organizations in South Asia Region

Deadline: 10 June 2014
The World Bank and Microsoft have launched a regional grant competition ‘Coding Your Way to Opportunity’ for four South Asian Countries – Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Youth-led initiatives and organizations are invited to submit proposal on their innovative ideas and initiatives that bridge the existing gap between those who have access to skills (that they need to become successful) and those who do not have the access.
The competition is aimed at enabling youth to expand coding knowledge amongst their peers which in turn helps them secure gainful employment. The grantee will implement youth focused training on coding to address the coding gap in the region.
At least US$10,000 will be offered to each of the four countries to carry out an innovative project for a period of one year.
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Applicants can be youth-led organizations and non-government organizations.
  • Applicant organization must be registered and been operating from at least two years.
  • All the team members must be above 18 years of age.
  • Proposed project should provide employment opportunity to at least 3 people, and should be participatory.
  • Proposals must outline measurable output or result that demonstrate direct impact in project area.
For more information, please visit South Asia Regional Grant Competition.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

The European Union Grant Support to Improve Health and Nutrition of the Poor in Urban Bangladesh

Deadline: 27 July 2014
The European Commission invites all eligible parties to implement program designed to provide Support to Health and Nutrition of the Poor in Urban Bangladesh. The major objective of the grant program is to improve and increase sustainable, integrated and comprehensive primary health care services delivery including nutrition for the urban poor in Bangladesh.
Grant request can be made in between €2,000,000 and €3,000,000 which must be 50% to 75% of the total eligible costs of the action. The initial planned duration of the action should be at least 36 months and at most 42 months. Applicants can propose financial support to third parties so as to achieve the program objectives. The maximum support per third party is €60,000, except where financial support to third parties is the main purpose of the action in which case no thresholds apply.
Types of Action:
  1. Creating New Primary Health Care
  2. Consolidating Existing Services
The grantee will offer an adapted and friendly service to each patient according to her/his age, sex, health status and financial status. Better skilled health workers are must to offer the best health services.
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Applicants must be legal person.
  • The applicant organization must be established in a Member State of the European Union or a Member of the European Economic Area (Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway), or an official Candidate Country as recognized by the EU (Croatia, Iceland, Macedonia, Turkey), or a beneficiary country of the DCI, or an OECD/DAC member country (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States).
  • Applicant must be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
  • Applicant must be able to provide an agreement with Municipalities of Bangladesh where the action will be implemented, or a plan to get this agreement. Applicants who have already entered into an agreement with Municipalities are given priority.
  • Proposed action must take place in Dhaka and other large municipalities in Bangladesh with more than 150,000 population.
Note: Applicants must register in PADOR to submit the concept note because Europe Aid ID is required in the paper version of the concept note. Applicants are recommended to begin the registration as soon as possible.
For more information, please visit EU Health and Nutrition Support, download guidelines and read thoroughly. Also find the link to Europe Aid website to register the organization.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

EU/Tajikistan Grant Support for Youth Employment for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding

Deadline: 16 May 2014
The Delegation of the European Union to Tajikistan is seeking proposals under ‘Peace Building Partnership Program: Youth Employment as Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Vector’ Grant Support to In-country Actors to Prevent and Respond to Crisis in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations. Lack of employment opportunity is one of the major reasons of instability in Tajikistan others to be mentioned specifically being lack of alternatives, increased number of drug users. The major objective of the grant program is to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations and support activities that create, restore or consolidate appropriate ways, tools and mechanisms at local and regional level to prevent conflicts and contribute to durable peace.
The grantee should implement local initiatives in fragile and conflict-affected areas. The grant supports in-country capacities for effective conflict management and peace building.
Grant request should be made in between €300,000 and €500,000 which is 60% to 80% of the total eligible cost for the action. The initial planned duration of an action should be at least 24 months and at most 36 months. Applicants may propose financial support to third parties in order to help achieving the objectives of the Action. The maximum amount of financial support per third party is € 60 000, except where financial support to third parties is the main purpose of the action in which case no thresholds apply.
  1. Employment driven actions aiming at diverting youth from engaging in gangs and other forms of violence, or their recruitment by extremist groups
  2. Professional initiatives aiming at employment opportunities
  3. Actions to promote youth civic engagement, empowering them to play an active role in their communities and public affairs affecting them
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Applicants must be legal person in non-profit making organization.
  • The organization must be established in a Member state of European Union or in the Republic of Tajikistan.
  • Applicants must be non-state actors (NSA) [non-governmental organizations, organizations representing indigenous peoples, local citizens' groups and traders' associations, cooperatives, trade unions, organizations representing economic and social interests, local organizations (including networks) involved in decentralized regional cooperation and integration, consumer organizations, women's and youth organizations, teaching, cultural, research and scientific organizations, universities, churches and religious associations and communities, the media and any non-governmental associations and private and public foundations].
  • Applicants must be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.
  • Proposed actions must take place in Badahshan region (GBAO) of Tajikistan.
  • The proposed actions should be designed to produce specific, measurable results in response to identified problems.
For more information, please visit Peace Building Partnership Program, download the document and read thoroughly.

NGOs Invited to apply for programs Benefiting Refugees in Chad and Cameroon

Deadline: 16 May 2014
Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration has invited all interested NGOs to apply for programs Benefiting Refugees in Chad and Cameroon. The goal of this program is to  provide protection, assistance, and sustainable solutions for refugees and victims of conflict, PRM will consider funding only those projects that include a target beneficiary base of at least 50% refugees.
Thematic areas:
  1. Health (including reproductive health)
  2. Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)
  3. Livelihoods
  4. Protection
  • Prevention of and Response to Gender-based Violence
  • Psychosocial Support
  • Child Protection, to include secondary education for Sudanese refugees
Eligibility criteria:
  • Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with IRS, other than institutions of higher education;
  • Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status with IRS, other than institutions of higher education;
  • International Organizations. International multilateral organizations, such as United Nations agencies, should not submit proposals through in response to this Funding Opportunity Announcement. Multilateral organizations that are seeking funding for programs relevant to this announcement should contact the PRM Program Officer (as listed below) on or before the closing date of the funding announcement.
Note: Project proposals must not be less than $250,000 and not more than $2.5 million or they will be disqualified.
For more information, visit Funding Opportunity Announcement page.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

The United States PRM Calls Proposals for NGO Programs Benefiting Refugees in Ethiopia and Kenya

Deadline: 27 May 2014
The United States Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) is accepting grant proposals for the NGO (non-governmental organization) Programs Benefiting Refugees in Ethiopia and Kenya.
Funding Priorities:
  1. Health
  2. Protection
  3. Education/Livelihoods
Target areas in Ethiopia are - Dollo Ado (Melkadida, Bokolmayo, and/or Buramino camps only), Gambella, Jijiga, and Tigray. Funding priorities and sub-priorities vary in each target locations. PRM strongly encourages programs that target the needs of potentially vulnerable and underserved groups among the beneficiary population.
Grant application can be made for maximum $1,500,000 per year. Initial application can be made for up to 3 years.
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with IRS, other than institutions of higher education; Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status with IRS, other than institutions of higher education; and International Organizations are eligible to apply for the grant.
  • Proposals should be shared with UNHCR in advance of submission and must be developed in full consultation with UNHCR to ensure coherence with its overall comprehensive planning for refugee operations.
  • Proposals must have a concrete implementation plan with well-conceived objectives and indicators.
  • Proposals must adhere to relevant international standards for humanitarian assistance.
  • For Ethiopia, proposals must be accompanied by a letter from the UNHCR Addis Ababa Office showing endorsement of the proposed activities and inclusion on the Government of Ethiopia’s Agency for Refugee and Returnee Affairs’ (ARRA) accountability matrix (3W matrix).
  • For Kenya, proposals must be accompanied by a letter from the UNHCR Nairobi Office showing endorsement of the proposed activities and inclusion on the respective camp’s accountability matrix (3W matrix).
Note: Proposals must be submitted via Please begin the registration to as soon as possible (if yet not registered) because it might take two weeks and sometimes more to finalize the registration.
For more information, please visit Funding Opportunity Announcement and read the whole document before preparing the proposal template. PRM recommends applicants to use the template that can be available upon email request from the PRM’s NGO Coordinator. Find the email address on the document.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Nike Foundation’s National Advocacy Request for Proposals

Deadline: 16 May 2014

The goal of Nike Foundation’s Global Advocacy Request for Proposals for the Girl Declaration is to ensure that the guiding principles, goals and targets of the Girl Declaration are integrated into the post-2015 framework. This Request for Proposals is for projects implemented at the national or regional level.

In line with this strategy, the primary objectives of this Request for Proposals are to:

  1. Build girls’ leadership skills, provide them with a platform to voice their opinions and ideas, and work with them to strengthen and amplify their voices in the post-2015 process at the national and regional levels.
  2. Mobilize support for the Girl Declaration among leaders and influencers in key member states.
  3. Ensure that the guiding principles, goals and targets set forth in the Girl Declaration are prioritized by key member states, including in official negotiations, public statements and positions on the post-2015 agenda.
  4. Encourage greater collaboration and information-sharing between organizations advocating for adolescent girls in the post-2015 agenda.
  5. Enhance the capacity of organizations advocating for adolescent girls in the post-2015 agenda at the national and regional levels.

The list of activities below is not prescriptive, nor exhaustive, but provides organizations with an idea of the type of activities the Nike Foundation is considering for this initiative:

  • Building a community of advocates, including identifying and training advocates, messaging workshops, etc.
  • Conducting and sharing the analysis of national positions on post-2015 and their alignment with the Nike Foundation and other partners
  • Developing bespoke engagement plans for advocacy targets
  • Meetings with policy makers, including meetings between policy makers and adolescent girls
  • Developing and producing advocacy and communications materials
  • Media activities
  • Organizing strategic events (such as media activities to raise awareness, policy dialogues, etc. with a specific and targeted focus)
  • Staff participation in relevant coalitions and networks

The Foundation is looking to fund 3-5 organizations in the range of $500,000 for an 18-month period. The number of grants awarded will be determined by the number and magnitude of applications. The Nike Foundation will require prior-approval of communications products developed with funds through this grant program.

For more information, click here to download the full information about Nike Foundation’s Global Advocacy Request for Proposals

To apply for this opportunity, you also need to download the following:

Sunday, 11 May 2014

USAID Pandemic Influenza and Other Emerging Threats Unit Predict-2 Project

Deadline: 5 June 2014
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Global Health Bureau (GH), Pandemic Influenza and Other Emerging Threats (PIOET) Unit, is accepting applications from eligible institutions for the implementation of the Predict-2 Project.
PREDICT is the first among the four in capacity-building projects, others being Prevent, Respond and Identify. These four projects collectively make significant contributions to national, regional and global capacities to ‘detect, prevent and respond to’ emergent threats.
Predict-2 aims to improve characterization of biological, behavioral, and ecological risks to better understand which geographic locations, ‘epidemiological zones,’ animal-animal and/or animal-human interfaces, and environmental factors are most associated with evolution, spillover, amplification, and spread of zoonotic viruses with pandemic potential.
  1. Biological and ecological risk characterization
  2. Behavioral risk characterization
  3. Global surveillance networks and analysis
  4. Validation of “One Health” approaches
  5. Overall capacity strengthening
Assisting in the organizing of annual data review meetings for USAID’s PIOET program
The USAID will sign one cooperative agreement with an eligible organization that best meets all the requirements and demonstrates the capability to implement the program successfully, to carry out the project for a period of five (5) years. Total estimated budget for Predict-2 is $100 million.
Eligible applicants interested in applying for the grant program must register with as soon as possible. It may take up to two weeks for the registration to be verified. The USAID encourages new applicants.
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Qualified US and non-US colleges and universities; US and non-US private non-profit organizations, and non-government organizations; US and non-US private for-profit organizations; local or indigenous Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs); and faith-based organizations are eligible to apply for the grant.
  • Individuals, foreign governments, US Government departments and agencies, and public international organizations are ineligible to apply.
Two separate applications – technical and cash/business must be submitted by the deadline.
Note: New applicants must register to through 5-steps (obtain a Data Universal Number [DUNS], Register the Organization with the System for Awards Management (SAM), Obtain Username and Password, AOR authorization, and track AOR status). Registration may take up to 2 weeks, so begin the registration process as soon as possible.
For more information, please visit and search for funding opportunity number RFA-OAA-14-000019.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Submit Grant Proposals for Visegrad+ Western Balkans

Deadline: 15 May 2014

The International Visegrad Fund is accepting proposals for Visegrad+ Western Balkans grant program. Projects that facilitate transfer of know-how between non-governmental and civil society organizations (NGOs/CSOs) in the Visegrad Group (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) and the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) will be funded under the program.

Priority Areas:

  1. Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights
  2. Good Governance
  3. Regional Cooperation
  4. EU Approximation
  5. Environment and Sustainable Development

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Proposed projects must involve active participation of entities from at least 3 different V4 countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) and at least 2 different Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) regardless of the coordinator.
  • Proposed project must facilitate transfer of know-how between non-governmental and civil society organizations in the Visegrad Group and the Western Balkans.
  • Proposed project must be on one of the above mentioned priority areas/sub-areas.
  • Proposed projects must be completed within 18 months.
  • Grant request can be made up to €80,000. Overhead costs cannot exceed 5% & tangible/intangible assets cannot exceed 7% of the requested support.

Projects that contribute to the democratization and transformation process in selected countries and regions, especially non-EU mem­ber states in Eastern Europe and the Southern Caucasus (the EU’s Eastern Partnership), and the Western Balkans are supported under the Visegrad+ fund.

For more information on Visegrad+ Western Balkans, please visit Call for Proposal.

Friday, 9 May 2014

The National Endowment for Democracy Worldwide Grant Program

Deadline: 20 June 2014
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is accepting grant applications from local independent non-governmental organizations around the world that are devoted to the promotion of political and economic freedom, a strong civil society, independent media, human rights, and the rule of law.
The NED is a United States initiative to strengthen democratic institutions throughout the world through private, non-governmental efforts.  The foundation makes more than 1,000 grants to support the projects of non-governmental groups abroad who are working for democratic goals in more than 90 countries.
The NED grant program encourages proposals from organizations working in diverse environment such as newly established democracies, semi-authoritarian countries, highly repressive societies and countries undergoing democratic transitions.

Program Areas:
  1. Pluralism
    • Trade Union
    • Business
    • Other Private Sector Institutions
  2. Democratic Governance Political Process
    • Political Parties
    • Election Participation and Administration
    • Public Policy and Information
    • Strengthening Legislatures
    • The Rule of Law and the Administration of Justice
    • The Military and Democracy
  3. Education, Culture and Communication
    • Independent Newspapers, Journals, and Other Communications Media
    • Democratic Education
    • Activities Directed at Strengthening Popular Understanding and Intellectual Advocacy of Democracy
  4. Research/International Forum for Democracy
  5. International Cooperation
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) – civic organizations, associations, independent media, and other similar organizations are eligible to apply for NED Grant.
  • Individuals, governmental bodies, or state-supported institutions such as public universities are not eligible to apply.
  • Proposals from local, independent organizations for non partisan programs promoting and defending human rights & rule of law are strongly encouraged.
Applications can be made via online application method, email or regular mail. Application materials include – proposal cover sheet, proposal narrative, proposal budget, and registration documents. In case of grant renewal proposals, applicants should include interim assessment along with other documents.
For more information on NED Grant, please visit Applying for NED Grant.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Adult Literacy and Self-Development Programs of UNESCO & UNHCR for Syrian Refugees in Iraq

Deadline: 10 May 2014
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Iraq Office and the United Nations Refugee Agency UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) invite project proposals from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to implement adult literacy and self-development programs for the Syrian refugees in three Iraqi cities Erbil, Dohuk and Suleimaniyeh. The grantee should provide legal counseling and advice to 600 Syrian refugees in urban areas in and around Dohuk City and Suleimaniyeh (300 refugees in each area). Literacy, early childhood development/parenting skills, community-based psycho-social awareness, and vocational training must be incorporated within the course.
Grant application can be made for maximum $50,000 for each location to implement adult literacy classes for at least 7 months. This will be a formal education following the national curriculum and each participant will take an official final exam recognized by the Kurdistan Ministry of Education. The grant recipient NGO will provide trainer to undertake the training and carry out the course with the beneficiaries after the training. They will choose 10 exceptional and willing students to serve as community advocates. These community advocates will visit other public venues within their communities to share their lessons related to early childhood development and psycho-social awareness so as to educate their community members about these important issues. These students should be supported by a teacher or facilitator.
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Application must include detailed information and rationale on the chosen target communities, including their geographic location.
  • Application must detail the results of participatory assessment along with other information.
  • The proposed intervention should address the most urgent literacy needs of targeted beneficiaries through diversified delivery models based on the national curriculum.
  • Applications can be made for more than one grant. Separate proposals should be submitted for each location.
  • Proposal and work plan should indicate the weekly class schedule and number of classes per week in order to fulfill the required number of hours of the national curriculum.
  • Proposal must indicate that life skills and vocational training classes will be offered continuously through the project period.
  • Targeted beneficiaries must be Syrian refugees in select geographical location at least 15 years of age and above who cannot read and write Arabic or any other language.
  • The applying NGO should include within its proposal a budget line for classroom refurbishment to make minor improvements to the quality of the learning environment.
  • Proposed project should begin no later than 15 July 2014 and end by 31 December 2014.
Complete application includes – NGO profile, NGO registration certificate, NGO operation license, NGO internal statute, NGO organizational chart, description of decision-making process within the NGO, description of financial management/auditing process within the NGO, power of attorney besides two separate technical and cost/business applications.
For more information, please visit Call for Proposals.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

European Commission’s Support to political and economic research and studies of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

Deadline: 16 June 2014
All interested organizations are invited to submit proposals for Support to dialogues, political and economic research and studies of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership under European Commission. The mission of this program is to reinforce dialogue, political and economic research and studies in priority themes of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and to ensure the dissemination of studies and research to civil society and decision-makers that are responsible for political and economic policies.
  • Promote a more inclusive growth, and in particular find ways and means to increase employment opportunities for the younger
  • Advance in the progressive liberalization in the agriculture and services sectors, the fight against tax evasion and corruption, to favour consumption and poverty reduction
  • Reinforce regional trade integration political and economic dialogues and cooperation initiatives among the beneficiary countries and the realization of a Euro-Mediterranean free-trade area
  • Speed-up the implementation of industrial reforms and promotion of fair competition, that are linked to the negotiations for a free-trade area with the EU
  • Build consensus on the implementation of macro-economic reforms, and the sequencing of  socio-economic policies, that are related to the advancement of the objectives referred previously
  • Lot 1: Support to political research, studies and dialogue of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. For this lot grants offered minimum EUR 750 000 and maximum up to EUR 1 000 000.
  • Lot 2: Support to economic research, studies and dialogue of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. Grants offered under this lot minimum EUR 1 750 000 and maximum up to EUR 2 000 000.
Eligibility criteria:
  • Be legal persons
  • Be non-profit-making
  • Be specific types of organizations such as: non-governmental organizations, public sector operators, local authorities and other Non-State actors, international (inter-governmental) organizations as defined by Article 43 of the Implementing Rules to the EC Financial Regulation
  • Be established in an eligible country as defined for the European Neighborhood Instrument: Member State of the European Union, partner countries benefiting from the European Neighborhood Instrument (Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine), a contracting parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) , Developing countries and territories, as included in the list of ODA recipients published by the OECD-DAC, which are not members of the G-20 group, overseas countries and territories covered by Council Decision 2001/822/EC, in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro or Serbia, including Kosovo. This obligation does not apply to international organizations and
  • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary
Note: To apply for this program applicants must register themselves to PADOR, which is online registration service.
For more information, visit this link

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

USAID’s Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Integrated Pest Management Program

Deadline: 24 June 2014
All eligible organizations are requested to submit application for Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Integrated Pest Management Program. This program is being organized by United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The goal of this program is to reduce global poverty and hunger, recognizing the need to increase global agricultural production by 70% by the year 2050 to provide sufficient food for the world’s growing population. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) research investments will increase agricultural production and reduce spoilage loss, utilizing ecological processes to control pests in modern and traditional cultivation strategies while minimizing environmental hazards and maximizing food and worker safety.
USAID strongly encourages applications from potential new partners.
Total estimated budget under this call is $50,000,000.
The geographic focus of this program: Africa, Asia
Eligibility criteria:
  • Applications may only be submitted by eligible US colleges and universities as defined under Section 296(d) of Title XII of the Foreign Assistance Act.
  • All types of U.S. and non-U.S. entities are eligible as collaborating partners (e.g., sub-recipients or contractors at various tiers), provided that they are not excluded from U.S.Government (USG) acquisition and assistance awards.
  • USAID strongly encourages applicants to include qualified Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) including, but not limited to, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Predominantly Black Institutions (PBIs), Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs),and Asian American Native Alaskan and Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISIs).
  • USAID strongly encourages applications from potential new partners.
Important Note: All applicants must have a DUNS number and must be registered in the U.S. Government’s System for Award Management (SAM).USAID cannot fund organizations that do not comply. To obtain  DUNS number, applicants may visit this link, and is required for registration in SAM.
For more information, please visit and search by funding opportunity number RFA-OAA-14-000018.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers 2014

This annual award, which began in 2007, is organized and presented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan. Its purpose is to increase motivation among young researchers contributing to research and development in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and related industries in developing countries, which is promoted by Japan for the benefit of those countries.

Up to three young researchers who have shown outstanding performance in research and development, and outstanding research achievements that will lead to future technological innovation will be invited to Japan to attend the commendation ceremony this November and accept their awards and cash gifts (US$5,000 will be given per awardee).


  • Must be foreign researchers doing research activities outside Japan
  • Must be under the age of 40 (as of January 01, 2014)
  • Must be engaged in research and development in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and related industries in developing countries
  • Must be able to attend the commendation ceremony. (Travel expenses shall be borne by the organizer.)
For more information, visit this link.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Funding Opportunity to Non-Profits and International Organizations for the Protection of and Assistance to the Syrian & Iraqi Refugees

Deadline: 16 May 2014
The United States Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) invites funding proposals from non-profits and international organizations to implement the programs targeted towards protection of and assistance to the Syrian refugees, Iraqi refugees, and other populations of concern in Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, and Egypt; and also the internally displaced persons (IDPs).
Program Sectors & Sub-sectors:
  1. Protection
    • Addressing vulnerability
    • Dissemination of reliable information about registration (including birth registration) and others
    • Psychosocial support and mental health
    • Child/adolescent protection
    • Preventing and responding to gender-based violence
    • Legal assistance and counseling
  2. Health
  3. Shelter and Infrastructure
  4. Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)
  5. Education
  6. Livelihoods/Self-Reliance
Funding Limits to make Grant Requests:
  • Turkey – Between $500,000 and $4 million per year
  • Jordan/Lebanon – Projects for either Iraqi or Syrian Populations must fall between $500,000 and $3 million per year; projects targeting both Iraqi and Syrian refugee population must fall in between $1,000,000 and $4,500,000 per year.
  • Iraq – Between $500,000 and $4 million per year for both (each) kinds of programs.
  • Egypt – Between $200,000 and $500,000.
  • Syria-Iraqi Refugees – Between $500,000 and $2 million.
Eligibility Criteria:
  • Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with IRS, other than institutions of higher education; nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status with IRS, other than institutions of higher education; and international organizations can apply for the grant under this call.
  • The proposed program should be either 12 or 24 months long. Multi-year proposals should contain activities and budgets that do not exceed 24 months from the proposed start date.
  • Proposals must adhere to relevant international standards for humanitarian assistance.
  • Proposals must have a concrete implementation plan – well-conceived objectives and indicators; the objectives should be clearly linked to specific sectors.
Note: All organizations except international multilateral organizations should submit proposals through Please refer to the General NGO Guidelines Begin the registration with instantly – Organizations not registered with should register well in advance of the deadline as it can take up to two weeks to finalize registration (sometimes longer for non-U.S.-based NGOs to get the required registration numbers).
For more information, please visit Funding Opportunity Announcement.

Nike Foundation’s Global Advocacy Request for Proposals

Deadline: 16 May 2014

The goal of Nike Foundation’s Global Advocacy Request for Proposals for the Girl Declaration is to ensure that the guiding principles, goals and targets of the Girl Declaration are integrated into the post-2015 framework. This Request for Proposals is for projects implemented at the global level.

In line with this strategy, the primary objectives of this Request for Proposals are to:

  • Mobilize support for the Girl Declaration at the global level, and among leaders and influencers of the post-2015 process, in particular.
  • Ensure that the guiding principles, goals and targets of the Girl Declaration are included in the technical negotiations that take place within the walls of the UN.
  • Support global-level advocacy on adolescent girls and the post-2015 agenda.
  • Encourage greater collaboration and information-sharing between organizations advocating for adolescent girls in the post-2015 framework

The list of activities below is not prescriptive, nor exhaustive, but provides organizations with an idea of the type of activities the Nike Foundation is considering for this initiative:

  • Developing and executing an advocacy strategy
  • Developing messages, messengers and outreach opportunities
  • Developing and producing advocacy and communications materials
  • Staff time to track, synthesize and analyze the post-2015 negotiations and to manage relationships with key influencers
  • Participation in relevant conferences, events and dialogues

The Foundation is looking to fund three to five organizations up to $250,000 for an 18-month period. The number of grants awarded will be determined by the number and magnitude of applications. The Nike Foundation will require prior-approval of communications products developed with funds through this grant program.
For more information, click here to download the full information about Nike Foundation’s Global Advocacy Request for Proposals.
To apply for this opportunity, you also need to download the following:

Friday, 2 May 2014

The Nippon Foundation Overseas Grants for NGOs/NPOs Outside Japan

Deadline: Throughout the Year

The Nippon Foundation accepts applications from the non-profit organizations based outside of Japan throughout the year for its Overseas Grants. Any local, regional or international NGOs/NPOs including educational and research institutions based outside of Japan are invited to submit proposals on different funding areas covered by the foundation.

Funding Areas:

    Improvement of Basic Human Needs
    Human Resource Development
    Promotion of International Collaborative Undertakings

The Nippon Foundation is an independent, non-profit, grant-making organization that provides aid to projects under four major categories:

    Public welfare in Japan
    Voluntary programs in Japan
    Maritime and ship-related projects
    Overseas cooperative assistance

For the Nippon Foundation Overseas Grants, priority is given to proposals that contain at least one of the following features:

    Pragmatic and realistic approaches to issues and problems
    Potential for future development and self-sustainability
    Far-reaching social and regional impact
    Pioneering significance; creating new visions and acting as catalyst for positive changes and social transformations
    A diversity of race, gender, ethnicity, social class, cultures and societies

Eligibility Criteria:

    Applicant must be local, regional or international non-governmental/non-profit organization (including educational and research institutions) based outside of Japan.
    Private individuals or for-profit organizations are ineligible to apply for the grant.
    Any program that is already in its operational phase is not eligible for grant consideration.
    Resubmission of previously rejected proposals is not accepted.

Application materials consists of a cover letter, an application summary form, a project budget and a project proposal to the Nippon Foundation’s Overseas Grants.

For more information, please visit Overseas Activities of the Nippon Foundation.
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